Mission, Vision, Values


To be a church that knows Christ and is making Him known in Burke, throughout our nation’s capital, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8; Matt 28:19–20; John 17:3; Phil 3:8)


Our vision for Christ Presbyterian Church Burke is for a church that is planted like a small mustard seed, then grows into a large tree that is big enough for the birds of the air to come and make their nests in (Matthew 13:31–32). People in the Washington area work hard in our jobs, in our schools, and in parenting our children, so Christ Presbyterian Church Burke is a group of people who are learning to pause and rest in worshiping a God who is bigger than our careers and bigger than our problems. We are learning to trust His sovereign hand that is actively involved in our world and our children’s world. 


Christ Centered Worship that relies on the ordinary means of grace and follows patterns of worship that are rooted in the Bible and the historic practice of the Christian church.

Caring Fellowship as small groups meet in homes and people build authentic relationships around food, the Word, and prayer.

Multiplication as people share the Gospel, as small groups grow and multiply, and as the church grows and multiplies into new church plants throughout Northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C. area.