Degradation & Restoration of the Imago Dei

calendar_today August 25, 2024
person Porter Harlow
view_list Luke
menu_book Luke 8:26-39
This Sunday, our pastor preached from Luke 8:26-3 on Jesus’ confrontation with a man possessed by a legion of demons. We continued examining Jesus as took his disciples through a series of miracles that confronted their greatest fears: (1) storms & natural disasters (last week), (2) evil at work in the world (this week), and (3) sickness and death (next week). This week we  confronted the reality of spiritual opposition to Christ and His establishment of His Kingdom, and considered our role in relation to the opposition. We sang a new hymn this week: I Am Not My Own, which is Skye Peterson’s take on Heidelberg Catechism Question #1. It is full of truth about the image of God that gives each person honor, dignity, and worth in God’s eyes (and in the Christian’s eyes). We also sang praise to our God who reigns over the storms (using Psalm 93, The LORD Reigns Over All) and Christ who reigns over the storms (using the historical hymn Fairest Lord Jesus).
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